Meeting Notes and Links

Pre-season Form

As discussed in the meeting this evening, we understand transportation will be a challenge for many players this season.  We hope to get a better understanding to help mitigate any issues as quickly as possible.  To that end, please fill out this 2021 Pre-season form to indicate your player’s availability based on the documented transportation guidelines. 

Season Financial Support Pledge

Given the short season and heightened restrictions on athletic events, we have opted not to sell banners for the 2021 season.  Instead, we are asking each family to participate by pledging financial support to the program.  To learn the details and pledge your support, please fill out this 2021 Sponsorship Pledge form.


Games schedules are now posted online.  Please view the current schedule on our website, and subscribe to the calendar feeds for iPhone, Outlook, or Google Calendar to receive updates and information about schedule changes as they occur.

Thanks to everyone for your support.  We are all looking forward to a great season!

2021 Spring Baseball Meeting

Coach Smith recently sent a note to all families regarding the 2021 Spring Season and the mandatory virtual meeting to be held on March 8th from 7pm to 8pm. The message was sent via ParentSquare. Please contact us for details if you did not receive this notification.

How do I subscribe to a team calendar to get schedule updates automatically?

Each Season, calendars are provided allowing easy subscription from your mobile device or desktop calendar tools. Follow these steps to link these calendars to your devices and receive the latest schedule updates.

Remember, you must resubscribe for each team and each season. Calendars from previous seasons will not carry over.

  1. Navigate to the OP Eagles Baseball website.
  2. From the navigation menu at the top, select the Season and Team calendar you wish to subscribe to (current seasons and teams will always be listed at the top).
    Select your calendar
  3. From the calendar page, click the link for the calendaring app you wish to use.
    Calendar Sync Button
    If you aren’t sure which calendar app your device supports, try the Microsoft Outlook link as most calendar apps support this standard iCal format.
  4. Confirm your subscription – After clicking the link, the default calendar app on your device should open requesting confirmation of the new calendar. Accept the addition. Some calendar apps may not name the new calendar using a friendly name. Feel free to update the calendar name to anything you wish.

Please contact us if you have any questions or issues subscribing to the Team/Season calendars.

Sponsor Drive Kickoff

The sponsor drive is starting early this year, and that’s not all that’s changed.  Read below for some of the exciting improvements to the sponsor program.

Individual and Business Options

In previous years, all sponsors submitted the same pledge form and information.  This year, in an effort to streamline the intake process, we’ve separated the pledge form into a Business and Individual/Family version. Both versions are available now on the OP Eagles Baseball website under Sponsors, or at the following two URLs:

More Sponsorship Levels

For businesses, we’ve also added exciting new options for sponsorship including an All-Star and MVP tier.  These feature the new outfield jumbo banners that will be visible throughout the game. This helps us add even more value for our most important sponsors.  MVP sponsors will receive Priority Placement of their banners on a first-come first-served basis.

Online Form Submission and Payments

Now you don’t need to worry about printing forms and making sure to hand in all the paperwork.  Save a tree and use the Online Form Submission.  Online pledges will receive an invoice which will allow them to easily submit their payments by mail or even online (specific details still pending).

Request by Email

Help your fans pledge their support to the program via email.  Using the Email Sponsor Toolkit, you can create custom URLs to include in your emails to friends, family, or business that will include your name to make sure your sponsors are credited to you.  Check it out.

Support for You and Your Sponsors

We’ve also created two new email addresses to answer any questions you or your sponsors might have. is setup to provide simple answers to any question you might have. provides direct access to the team that will help with banner creation and delivery coordination.

Good Luck 

With all the new options available, we fully expect this will be a record breaking year for the Oak Park Baseball fundraising efforts. Please contact us if you have any questions, and good luck getting those sponsors!

School Driver Certification Form

The following instructions will help you complete the School Driver Certification form required to drive students (even your own) to sanctioned school events.

  1. Download the current version of the form from the OPHS website by clicking here.
  2. Review the restrictions listed on the back off the form to ensure you meet the conditions for driving including:
    • Drivers must drive their own vehicle
    • Drivers must be over the age of 25
  3. Complete the form including all of the following information:
    • Your contact information
    • Your vehicle information
    • Your driver’s licence information and driving history
    • Your automobile insurance information (not your insurance card – the declaration page from your policy)
    • Your signature
  4. Make a copy of your drivers license.
  5. Make a copy of your automobile insurance policy.
  6. Have your student deliver the completed package with form, license, and policy to the Athletics Department.

Once approved, you will be notified and added to the list of people cleared to transport students to offsite events for which no district transportation is available.

Please Note: This does not authorize you to drive students home from events for which district sanctioned transportation has been arranged. For that, you must fill out the OPHS Transportation Waiver/Alternate Transportation Form.