Game Schedule Updates for this week

Several changes have been made to the calendar this week based on the weather forecast. The Friday Varsity Royal game has been moved to Thursday. Please check the calendar for the latest updates and stay tuned as we wait for confirmation on the possibility of rescheduling the Frosh/Soph Royal game.

Picture Day is Tuesday

This Tuesday is picture day. To all you players out there… don’t forget to take a shower that morning!

Pictures will be taken on the Varsity field at 3pm.

Game updates for this weekend

Please note, several game updates for this weekend have been posted. The JV Team will split between Varsity and Frosh/Soph. Please find out from the coaches where you’re supposed to be as the games are at different locations.

Voluntary Summer Conditioning

Hey team – if you are interested in participating in voluntary summer conditioning, please complete the following sections in these documents:

 * Blue Card
 * Physical Form
 * Voluntary Liability Form

The class and payment forms are not required.

​Thanks All!

Banquet Returns!

The end of the season is fast approaching, and with it the return of the Baseball Banquet!  After missing it for the last two years, we are incredibly excited to announce that this year’s OP Baseball Banquet will be held on Saturday, May 14 at 4pm in the OPHS Pavillion.  Please RSVP with Nikki De La Torre at the number provided in the email announcement.